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Soul sleep?

Rev. 1:7 Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him — even those who pierced Him . And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. So shall it be! Amen. Can he be speaking figuratively or literally? After all, the Book of Revelations is a big mystery because of its content but this verse is written very well that even a layman like myself can understand it- but; How should I take this verse? Literately or figuratively? What say you?   

It is finished (consumado es)

The purpose of the sacrificial law and its ceremonies were to gratify Gods wrath because sin is an unwelcome sore, it didn't took the sin away; it just covered it like a bandage thus why the high priest goes to the holies of holies once year to present the sacrifice to appease His anger which sin provokes. That why the first coming of Jesus was so important, he came to give his perfect sinless life to appease the Lords wrath that sin provokes; once we believe on Jesus, once we put our trust in Him, once we believe that he he paid for us: we are made righteous in God's eyes through Jesus the perfect sacrifice. What reason would God have to reinstate the sacrificial law and ceremony once He starts his 1000 year reign? Jesus perfect sacrifice fulfilled  all that was necessary to get rid of sin in ones life so that one won't go to hell and pay it.

Crush Vs Love Interest

Everyone has had a crush on someone sometime in their life, some work out perfectly while others not so much. Not so many have experience a love interest because they were lied to about "falling in love" Recently I have learned that having a crush is not ideally good for a stable relationship; many people fall in love with their yes rather than with their soul. There was one moment in my life where I I fell in love with this person because of her passion for God and I dragged this feeling to its grave; this was a moment when I was a little naive when it comes to having a love interest ( I didn't know it at the time) Through out the years I had 2 friends whom I'm became very interested  in them and we moved close the phase of actually having a relationship but I also dragged those feelings to their graves because I wasn't sure of what I wanted.  Recently I had a crush and a love interest but not with the same person. The crush came and I started developing feeli...

Being a Conservative Christian. (Part 1)

The "C" is for "Conscience." Are you always conscience about God when you live about your life? Do you confide in God about your decisions and pray to Him about it? Do you take time to listen to that little voice that keeps you from sinning against God? The "O" for for "Opportunity" Always look for the opportunity to do the right thing, not so people can you see; doing the right thing means that people get to see God in you. Don't call attention to yourself, call attention to God; to what He can do when we are willing to be used. The "N" is for "Neutral" No Christian should be neutral, your either with or against God. We can't root for everything that we think is good. We shouldn't be dragged to the ideology of humanism. Being neutral and a Christian is a oxymoron. The "S" is for "Self" Our "self" should've when we believed in God, when we accepted his gift of eternal lif...

Jesus-Christ, my Sabbath

One thing I know is that we are not bound to the law for salvation, we are bound through the blood of Jesus-Christ which was shed for the Remissions of our sins. When Jesus said “it is finish” all the ceremonials and sacrificial laws were abolished for Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice: Hebrews 7:27 Unlike the other high priests, He does not need to offer daily sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the sins of the people; He sacrificed for sin once for all when He offered up Himself. All the others laws, the dietary and civil laws are in place no matter if we don't want to believe it. The commandments of God are for our well being. I can't keep the Sabbath because I'm part of a church that is very active and we have activities on Saturdays, thank God that the Sabbath law is not a salvation issue. I believe in unity and I need to be united with my church and its activities. Many people have issues with others who keep the Sabbath day ...

Not good. rough draft

In biblical times one must follow the law in order to be in good standing with God ( Deuteronomy 27:26   Cursed  be   he that confirmeth not  all   the words of this law to do them. And all the people shall say, Amen) James 2:10  For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one  point , he is guilty of all) Nehemiah 9:26-27  Nevertheless they were disobedient, and rebelled against thee, and cast thy law behind their backs, and slew thy prophets which testified against them to turn them to thee, and they wrought great provocations.  27  Therefore thou deliveredst them into the hand of their enemies, who vexed them: and in the time of their trouble, when they cried unto thee, thou heardest  them  from heaven; and according to thy manifold mercies thou gavest them saviours, who saved them out of the hand of their enemies. It had to be like that because sin was a problem and if it was not dealt wit...

The Impossible

Since the beginning of time there was dark start of the human race caused by curiosity. The human spirit is unique in its own way thanks to their Creator. There was peace and tranquility in the Garden of Eden, there was no limit because God the Creator was their sort of like their tour guide and the best part of the tour was staying there forever but the mind is a curious thing when free will comes into place (existence) and when doubt is planted. There came the deceiver, sort of like “If I can't have it, no one will. If I suffer, I don't want to suffer alone” The beginning of earth's history was awesome and full of splendor and it caused in Lucifer's heart hatred and envy and which mixed it is a lethal combination. You'll see the evidence in the fall of Adam. After that uneventful event it, became impossible for man to stay in Eden for sin has no place in God's presence. They are banished from Eden but not before they are promised something so ...

Why I believe in Hell

I've been told that Jesus says more about Hell than any subject, or was it money? Anyways, Jesus believed and still believes in an Eternal Hell with fire and brimstone, he talked about it and why would someone go against His Word and and try to justify out of existence? Mark Chapter 9:44-45 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched . 45 And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched : Quench originally meant “extinguish fires.” Whats the salt's role into this? Salt is used as a preservative. The human body in its current form will never support hell, it will quickly turn to ash. God uses the attributes of preservative in the salt as a way to communicate that  the body will be able to support the eternal flames of hell. 1 Corinthians 15:50-53 Now this...

Just wrong

Can't we all get along without disrespect  each other? Don't use you belief in order to look down on other people. As Christians, aren't we call to respect? As Christians, aren't we supposed to be polite and courteous? Its because of action likes "this Christian" that Christianity is frown upon, like the bible says: As it is written: "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you." Rom. 2:24. I know we're suppose to be zealous about God's holiness, but to go as far as this person did, is that being zealous?

With my heart in my hand.

There has to be more than being a Christian, but there is. The sin that is holding you hostage makes it very difficult for you to progress in this thing call the "Christian life" This "life" is all about taking you cross and this means taking your insecurity with you: if you speak up about what really troubles you, you'll think that you'll face backlash from people  you know because they see this sin as awful and unthinkable; this is the reason why so many believe, think that not all sins are equal. Sometimes one need to keep things to one self because one is unsure on how others will react: we let our imagination on what might happen go wild. Biblically, all sins are equal because God shows it to you by guilt. If one feels guilt after failing God, that same guilt encompasses all sins when committed. God is all we need, not people because they fail and because one is unsure on how they will react to something they never reacted to. Its very important to...

The war on Christians (bad grammar ahead, please be patient)

Ever since someone wanted to be like God, sin has plague this earth like there is no tomorrow. Satan, the devil, Lucifer what ever you want to call him can't get to God himself and thus he is trying to taint the followers of Christ so that he can take as many he can so to not suffer alone; there was a moment where he thought he could taint Christ by offering a fraction of what he (satan) owns (remember God owns everything) The devil, the accuser has been shaping men since the dawn of age, shaping them so artistically that its almost impossible to distinguish them from real men of God. Its though as if today's culture is the climax into something big and when that happens one needs to be prepared to defend the faith, to defend ones heart from all the dirt that will come off of said climax. This war started long ago before you and I were born, there are key people in history that made all this mumbo jumbo come into existence as truth (remember the devil likes to taint that is...


H is for Hope ; when He convicts me of my  sin, there is still hope for this sinner. O is for Objective ; His objective is the sanctification of my soul, in turn I need to be obedient in     order for the process to work. L is for His Lordship ; He is Lord and I need to starting living for Him. Y is for Yield ; I need to always yield to Him even though the circumstances don't call for it, no matter what goes in my life, I should always obey, I should always yield to His Voice. S is for Sacrific e; I need to sacrifice my  body and not give in to it, my strength should come from the Holy Spirit, for He has an endless supply of it. P is for Patience; and boy does He have a lot.  I is for Intellect; Without His intellect and His Wisdom, I could've been in a worse situation, I would have never picked myself up with His help, He reminds me that He is worthy for me to get up. R is for Reliable ; I can always rely on Him, He can never do wrong. ...

our problem as whole

We are the cause of our troubles, we are the cause of everything that is wrong with Christianity, we don't represent Christ, we represent our own ideas what it means to be Christian. We have let the future of our kids slipped out of our hands ever since an atheist made it possible to ban prayer from school and from that point head, everything went deteriorating slowly and here we are where the secular world hijacked marriage and turned the word "love" into something meaningless. God has never changed, what He said that day in Eden still remains true -"It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Many people through out the ages only focused on the bad things about marriage, they focused on the negative part and they still do. They took off their eyes off from God, off from the Word of God and laid them on man, they let man's idea shape their way of thinking. We deserve the people that we have in leadership because w...

Your problem is....

You shout out to God saying, "Why can't I do everything right!", "Why must this happen to me!" "I don't deserve this!" We let the pessimism of this world rub unto us when we let the circumstances of life dictate every decision we make. The problem with us is that we classify what is sin and we don't go to God's definition, we don't want to because it'll show us how wrong we are. We shy away from what God says about sin because we grew accustomed to the ways of the world; we don't want to face God just like the Israel did when Moses went up to the moutain (And they said to Moses, "You speak to us, and we will listen. But don't let God speak directly to us, or we will die!") We love life too much and not the Creator, not our Redeemer, not our Savior. The problem, my problem is that I pass less time with God, that I don't read the Bible like I used to. My problem is that I trust more my job than I do to my Sav...

Psalms 14:1 Playing the Fool

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. One is a fool when one says no to God, One is a fool trust in his own strengths and not God's , One is a fool when one doesn't have the Word of God in High Esteem  One is a fool when one doesn't appreciate what Jesus did upon that cruel cross.  One is a fool to think that this life is it One is a fool  when one hides from God knowing  very well that He sees and knows all. Don't be a fool and acknowledge God.  Don't be a fool and believe that God can.    

Anathema... a different approach.

a·nath·e·ma əˈnaTHÉ™mÉ™/ noun noun: anathema ; plural noun: anathemas 1 . something or someone that one vehemently dislikes. "racial hatred was anathema to her" an abomination, an outrage, an abhorrence, a disgrace, an evil, a bane, a bugbear, a bête noire; adjectives abhorrent , hateful , repugnant , odious , repellent , offensive "the idea of a poem as a mere exercise is anathema to me"  1 John 5:19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. The world is under the influence of the  fallen angel turned demon because he wanted to be in God's throne; even since his fall from grace he has been the prince of this cruel and evil world as this verse testifies to it: John 12:31 Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. Meanwhile, we need to be vigilant and not participate in any of its activities  for its an offense to God for a Christian t...

Circumstances Vs God

There will be occasions where circumstances won't permit me to serve God, but He sees that and frowns upon me. I should know better than letting circumstances dictate what I must do, but today is different (my brother expects me to be home to let him in because he left the keys for me under the mat) Today starts the fourth service at my church (prayer service) and Im going to miss just because I misplaced my house keys. Dice Dios, no dejes que suceda otra vez. In my previous blog I mentioned something about getting serious with God and people from church will see it and they'll notice my absence (as if) and they'll have the mentality that I was not serious about what I wrote. This year start like a car that doesnt want to start and after a few tries it turns on and off it goes; that's how my life in 2016 started; to slow start. God has taught me so many times, that when it comes to circumstances of life, I should just ignore it and that I should cling unto Him in...

Approaching the girl of your dreams.

Approach the girl you like by serving God, approach her by being obedient, approach her by being loyal to God, approach her by loving for what she represents: loyalty, love. approach her slightly so to not set off love early. approach her by aligning your self with God's will. One way to show that you are serious for her heart and for her love is to get serious with God, One way to show that you really loving her is by being loyal to God because He is the one that has her love, that has her heart. Every time you see her smile and laugh remember that love is nothing to toy with, Every time you see her work, remember that she does it out of love for God, her guardian, her friend, her Savior, Her Comforter. She embodies what it means to serve God, She embodies what it means to love God, She embodies what it means to be favored by God.

Jesus Last Passover. from Bible Analyser

 By the time of Jesus, the Passover had developed into a set form with a number of added rituals. Although people killed the lamb at the temple, they ate the meal privately with friends and relatives (Luk 22:8-13). Among the additions to the meal was a cup of wine, for which the head of the household offered a prayer of thanks (or blessing; 1Co 10:16), and which he passed around among the participants, both before and after the eating of unleavened bread (Mar 14:22-24; Luk 22:15-20). Singing also became part of the celebration, the participants singing a collection of psalms known as the Hallel (Psa 113-118). They usually sang the first two psalms before eating the lamb, the other psalms after (Mar 14:26). It appears that on the occasion of Jesus' last Passover, he and his disciples ate the meal a day earlier than the official time, and probably without a lamb (Luk 22:15; Joh 13:1). If this was so, the reason was probably that Jesus knew that he himself was now the Passover lamb. O...

I choose to love you.

If one falls in love, one is being controlled by the emotions; that is why its wise to choose love because there was something in the person that you like, that you love. You love the person for whom they are, not how they look like but attraction does play part when one chooses to love. I'll use myself as an example: Your eyes, your smile and your voice attracted me to you; there something there that i can't quite put my finger on but that's why I want to spend my life with you, so I can know you better, so i can love you better.  The firs time i heard your voice in the church steps made my heart moved. To make the point clear; I would say to that special someone that her eyes, her voice and her smile are the ones that attracted me to her, and those do not age and I love that. It shows that I love her for who she is, not how she looks like; Her eyes, her voice and her smile tells me that she is the most beautiful person Attraction does matter, but not superfi...