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Showing posts from March, 2011

Hey, its been awhile...

Hello, how are you? Its been awhile since I've seen you, do you remember the last time we talked? how about the last time we shared a meal? Yeah i know, its been awhile. You want to know something? I've been thinking about you, well not recently. You know that people say the first impression matter right? So tell me, the first time you saw me, what impression did i made?  Hope it was a good one. My heart has been asking about you, it is asking why I stopped talking to you. I  think you know the reason why. Its weird, i have not thought about you. Every time i see you, its when i start thinking about you. You are just a present waiting to be open. Lucky the guy that marries you...
"Old-fashioned, Spirit-filled, Christ-honoring, sin-hating, soul-winning, Bible preaching! It is the hope of the church!  It is the hope of the nation! It is the hope of the world!" - Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001)

Feeling dry

You want to know something? if you stop reading the Bible, you will dry out. I'm serious, you will withdraw a bit by bit. You'll hide from anyone. Its like having an un-confessed sin bugging you. Its very important for a christian to read his Bible every morning, because you are more awake. Its not a good thing to read your Bible in the evening or at night, es como dando a Dios las sobras del dia.... We really need to give everything that we have and please God. We should work for him and not to human eyes. This morning both my dad and bro were off and i didn't have no where to have my daily devotion with my Lord. I love doing my devotions in the morning, when Im alone with God; that way i wont have no distraction. So, today i ask the Lord to give me strength and power, to be able to the work for him, to not be defenseless in front of the enemy. God bless.

de Dios

De Dios es la fortaleza y la sabiduria, De Dios es la venganza y de redimir. De Dios es amor y el perdon, De Dios es la gracia y la misericordia. De Dios es la paz y la templanza. De Dios es la victoria y el poder, De Dios es la guerra y la batalla De Dios es el infinito y el presente, De Dios es el hoy y el ayer. Yo soy de Dios, El es mi Redentor y mi Salvador, Mi abogado y mi amigo.


For me, reading and writing was my hobby. I remember when i used to write about every topic that the Bible covers. I remember when i wrote a piece about the causes and effect of "el desanimo" i'll try to look for it and read it. Then i will translated  it  to English.

Being careful.

I've been going to church for about 5 years now and I dont get tired of it. I love my brothers and sisters, but sometimes there should be a limit in how they influence us to either bad or good things. Many of us give ear to suggestions or commentaries of our peers, some are good while others are well, bad and inconvieniet. One thing we should stop doing is giving our ears to people who don'd deserve it. There exist people who are good listeners and will keep everything to them selves while others are just waiting for you to be done so they can tell it to the whole world; which one are you? We should be careful what we hear and what we share. We should be careful in our walk, we should avoid certain kind of people. Dont put too much trust on a human being, put it on God.

look up

What's wrong with you!? Don't you trust God? Don't you rely on His promises and on His words? Then why are you succumbing under pressure from others? What does it matter what other people say or think about you? You need to really look at the mirror and see for yourself, that you are unique. That there is no one out there like you, God made only one of you, no has the same personality or character than you. You are one special person in God's eye. Don't believe what people say about you, Just ignore them and live on. Live on in God's words, Always fulfulling his will. Don't rely on other people's words or thoughts, Rely on God and in His word, Look up and look inside, God is everywhere.


Everything on this blog are originals. I write from my heart, i write what I've learned from the Bible and from life. I write to clear my mind. Writing was my hobby and now, I'm starting again.

Going thru life.

The will of God is perfect and pure. I must live it and accept it. Lately my heart has been changing, its changing to that of my Lord. The Bible says that I'm must love God with all my heart, strength and mind and I do love my Lord. What is there not love? God has been great to me, He hasn't left me or abandon me. When I cry out to Him, He comes and comforts me. The will of God is more than just obeying His word, its living it, applying it to everyday life. The will of God is not the same as yours, it goes way beyond of our thinking. Our thoughts must be conformed to His word. He must be the center of life and He is. Some people would say that I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing, but God thinks differently, He knows what I go through. He know my intentions, knows my heart and also my mind. Without God, I would be finished, I would crumbled under pressure, I would give in I would follow the flow and be like everyone else, living without a purpose.

A must....

What have I done? What have you done? Are we really serving our Lord with all our heart and soul? Are we really in love with our Lord? Has our priority changed? Has our values changed? have our focus in life changed? And if so, who made us changed it? Why can't we just accept God's will and stop making excuses, who are trying to hide from? To whom do our hearts belong to to? I must stop making excuses and start living the life that God wants me to live. We must stop making excuses and start living for God and not for ourselves.


 Some people would say that i dont follow thru with what i said, but they are wrong.... I myself do what im told to do... I said that i would not use facebook but im using, but for 10-15 min compared to what i used to spend like hours on it. facebook is part of my life now and i cant leave it. i got people in there that i have not seen for a long time and facebook is the only means of comunication.... I have old friends, classmates and family.

Deuteronomio 30:6

Dios sabe, conoce lo que soy por dentro; el conoce mi corazon, mira que mi corazon nesecita un poco de trabajo, para quitar lo que no es necesario para un cristiano tener. El es el alfarero y yo el barro, el es el esculptor y yo la estatua. Esta haciendo cambios a mi caracter y mi personalidad. Esta reformando mi corazon para que sea como de El. El sabe, conoce, que quiero un corazon como el de mi Salvador y mi Redentor, ese corazon divino, lleno de amor y de perdon.