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Showing posts with the label life

God and your loneliness

Being alone is not that bad. God works thru you while you wait patiently for that one special person. God knows that its not good for man to be alone; that's why while we wait we should bask in His most holy water, which is the word of God. Loneliness should not be your only companion, love and mercy should also be with you; because the loneliness will kill your joy and hope of a brighter future. God in this moment is preparing that special girl that one day you will meet, meanwhile you should be busy in the Labor that God has bestowed upon you. While you wait you should always be hopeful and humble, knowing that God has special interest in your life. Loneliness shouldn't be the only thing that revolves around your life. You are the center of everything, your work shouldn't be the center where your life revolves around. God is the center of all life, even your love life. Don't fret or be troubled because that is not the way that life goes when God walks beside you.


Life may have its ups and downs! But God says otherwise. A Christian's character lies not within our own strengths, but from endurance from everyday life. Christians shouldn't bother about living the high life, but a humble one ( not too humble though) If by any chance you fall by your own actions, be wise to not stay grounded, because that's what the devil wants.

I love.....

I love my Lord and God, I love my family, my lil sister, my brothers, my mom and dad. I love where I work, I love my church, i love my sisters and brothers in the Lord. I love because I was loved first and HE showed me His secret; unconditional love. No one on this whole earth can love the way God loved us, it will be tru trial and tribulations where we will learn the true and real meaning of True Love. We know the meaning of love, we know what it is; but we will never know the true concept of it till we are in the brink of a crisis, troubles, misunderstandings. I love, but I don't show it, I don't scream it; I just practice it. My love consists of  forgiving, it consists of  accepting and it consist of forgetfulness.