One should make the effort to make things happen. There are situations in life that are easy to face on, that are easy to resolve; all we need is a will and an initiative for it to happen.
Now, there is saying, "where there's a will, there's a way" and that is true in some cases.
One must have a strong will to succeed what he/she wants in life; be it to to succeed in school, work or church. These are part of life, your life. Somewhere deep inside of you, there exist a will, a strong will, the one thing that is hindering the strong to come out are fears, doubts, and your peers.
Yeah, your peers, be it your classmates, friends, co-workers and even your fellow christian brethren can be obstacles and sometimes they are the reason why you can't continue.
You must do one thing and one thing only, ignore them. If you put your focus on them, they'll let you down, we are humans that err and sin. Keep an eye out for those that try to stop you to succeed.
Now, what God wants of you, not what i want of you, is to live a pure life, to live and walk as a christian should do walk. We should respect those that are involved in our life. Work, school and church, no matter where we are, we should respect, we should guard ourselves.
You get what I'm trying to say right? You get my point right?
Well, if you don't; that's fine.
We should be of godly character.
Now, there is saying, "where there's a will, there's a way" and that is true in some cases.
One must have a strong will to succeed what he/she wants in life; be it to to succeed in school, work or church. These are part of life, your life. Somewhere deep inside of you, there exist a will, a strong will, the one thing that is hindering the strong to come out are fears, doubts, and your peers.
Yeah, your peers, be it your classmates, friends, co-workers and even your fellow christian brethren can be obstacles and sometimes they are the reason why you can't continue.
You must do one thing and one thing only, ignore them. If you put your focus on them, they'll let you down, we are humans that err and sin. Keep an eye out for those that try to stop you to succeed.
Now, what God wants of you, not what i want of you, is to live a pure life, to live and walk as a christian should do walk. We should respect those that are involved in our life. Work, school and church, no matter where we are, we should respect, we should guard ourselves.
You get what I'm trying to say right? You get my point right?
Well, if you don't; that's fine.
We should be of godly character.
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