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I am against what the world is trying to do with Love; they want to change the meaning and want to change what it stands for.  Love stands for purity and the world is the total opposite. God's love shouldn't be confused with what the world calls love.  There are many types of love but God's Love is unique for nothing else is pure as God. 

Something a wrote last year.

God should be in all of my thoughts, when I'm at my job, at home and at church; I should always think about Him, in how to glorify Him, in how to live for Him, in how to obey him, in how to love him. My life should revolve around His Word. God should be in all of our thoughts; in how to obey Him, in how to live for Him, in how to glorify Him and in how to love Him. Every action that I make is to make Him proud. Psalms 10:4 If I am not firmed in God's word, problems and adversity will move me away from Him, away from His Word and from His Presence. I should firmly stand my guard no matter what comes against me. Psalms 10:6

Who Were the Nephilim and Sons of God?

Who Were the Nephilim and Sons of God? by  Rich Deem   Introduction There is somewhat of a controversy in Christianity regarding the identification of the Nephilim and sons of God mentioned in the Genesis flood account ( Genesis 6:2-4 ). Are the sons of God the human offspring of the godly line of Seth or angelic beings (demons)? Were the Nephilim a race of giants that existed before and after the flood or is the word just a generic term describing large strong people? Nephilim and sons of God: Genesis 6 Let's look at the passage in question, in context: Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years." The Nephilim were on the earth i...

Just me rambling.

Other's people lives are not your business, why do you care how they live or who there friends are? Why do you care if they don't like you? Why do you care if you are invisible to them? It doesn't matter if they go to the same church as you do, it doesnt matter if they block you or not.  You need to keep an eye on your relationship with God and not how well you are with people, dealing with people, not matter their age should be a after thought because your relationship with God is priority. I myself don't interact that much at church, I just mind my own business and I try not meddle in other peoples conversation or lives. I have very few people at church that I do get along with but only for awhile (like 5 or 10 minutes then I go to be by myself) There is this girl that I like, I'm slowly talking with her (I don't do well when it comes chitchat)  One should not worry if one doesn't get along with everyone at church, everyone has a different persona...

Something to think about.

Before the Fall Gen. 1:29-31 Then God said, “ I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it . They will be yours for food .  30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it— I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. After the Fall/Flood Gen. 9:1-3 And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.  2 “The fear of you and the terror of you will be on every beast of the earth and on every bird of the sky; with everything that creeps on the ground, and all the fish of the sea, into your hand they are given.  3 “Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you , as  I gave  t...

She deserves better

A lady after God's own heart deserves better; if one is not financially stable, if one is not active at church and always inconstant, what does one has to offer to a girl that is after God's own heart? There are moments in ones life when being timid can get in the way in capturing a girl's heart; but if one is unstable and inconstant, why should the girl notice him? A lady that is committed to her Lord deserves to be loved, respected and honored; not ignored. There are moments where there is a hint of progress in ones life but is that enough for a girl that loves God so dearly? A lady has every right to get tired if its been too long for one to come along to sweep her off her feet. Sometimes life can be cruel but that shouldn't stop one from growing and from experimenting new things. Why would you wait for the right moment to get to know her, to get to know who she is and what she lives for. Moments are meant to be created and cherished; there's no such thing as cha...

Once Saved Always Saved.

There is some truth to his phrase and I say it like that because some think that grace gives you the liberty to sin without consequences and to this kind of people the "The Once Saved Always Saved" do not apply because they werent' sincere and God sees the heart. Some say the prayer just so they can get rid of us.

Jesus my S.A.V.I.O.R

There was a time in History when God decided to come to earth Himself in form of man because we as sinner couldn't cut it; we were heading fast to hell without hope. Sin is missing the mark of perfection and we were so off  but Jesus came to bring us hope and to Redeem us from sin. S. He wants to save you from yourself, from a committing a terrible decision; He wants to atleast give you a chance at saving grace. Our decisions will take us to hell because we think we have it all figure out; for the wages of sin is death. He wants to save you from eternal damnation because that is what sin does: it damns you to hell. A. In Him there is absolute Love and absolute Truth. He alone personifies all that is good and pure. This world has hijacked the real meaning of Love to mold it to their twisted ideology. You will not not find True Love outside of the Savior of souls. One can have absolute trust in Him because He is not man  for Him to go back on His Word.  V. ...

More than meets the eye.

There is more than meets the eye when it comes to my Pastor; he is always confident and when one is confident, one can take the whole world. The world has nothing on what one preaches, one what one lives because one's trust is in the Lord and not in one's self. As Christians, our confidence must come from us trusting in God for He can do no harm. Sin is that one that harms and will always leave a trail of destroyed lives because one can be so arrogant and prideful.  What does it mean to be confident?  It means no relying  on self but on God's great mercy and grace; there's nothing that can back up the idea of chance. A Christian shouldn't leave anything to chance because it doesn't exist in his/her life. A Christian's life should revolve around God's will and thus confidence is made or created when we leave everything of ours on God's hand.   When one gives the reigns  of his life to God, one is confident that God will take care of him or her....


A. Absence. There is a reason, a purpose to everything under the sun and being miserable and without hope is not one of them. God can fill that meaning, the purpose, that absence that our soul longs for. Our soul longs for something more than material things, it longs to be one with its Creator; all souls are not created equal, there are not raised as equal, every one of us is unique in ones way. There's a dark true when it comes to free will, that when it comes to decide to live for Him one cannot easily change for life has done a terrible wrong on them and it has imprinted on some hopelessness. All they known in life was misery and calamity and its not easy to change ones prospect on life but if one truly wants to change, they can ask God and he'll do the imaginable and the impossible according to some people with absences of hope.    L. Love This world has given Love so many meanings that some have forgotten what Love really is. Love comes from God which can fill any...


Dios dice ven; Dios dice que ya es tiempo, que no debes de vivir en amargura y en dolor. Dios dice ven, te espera con la mano extendida para que lo tomes; el no te esforzara para que vengas. Solo Dios tiene la solucion a tus problemas, Solo en Dios se encuentra la esperanza para la soledad. Solo en Dios se encuetra el doder que buscas para salir de donde te metistes. En Dios solo encontraras paz y no tristeza, Encontraras gozo y no amargura.  El te llama.  Que vas hacer? 

Something to think about- Brenda Wood

It doesn’t seem to matter what political party is in power or who the leader is, someone doesn’t like what they are doing. Still, complaining is not our job. We are supposed to respect and pray for our leaders. When the Sanhedrin put Paul on trial in Acts 23: 1-5, NIV, the high priest ordered someone to hit Paul on the mouth. Paul lost his temper and retorted, “God will strike you, you whitewashed wall! You sit there to judge me according to the law, yet you yourself violate the law by commanding that I be struck!” Others then accused Paul of insulting the high priest. He replied, “Brothers, I did not realize that he was the high priest; for it is written: ‘Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people. Do not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people.” He repeats that message in 1 Timothy 2:1-5 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful an...

Lifes' curves.

Life has so many tight curves that if one is not paying attention, one will find oneself in a situation that one wouldn't of thought of. Life has given me so many opportunities at love but I am yet to make a move even though I think I have the girl at arms length (figuratively). It is too early for it to be called love but I would like to call it "a love interest" and how do I know this you ask?  I know this because God made the connection between us even though we are both shy and timid with each other ( I, myself I am not shy nor timid,only on certain occasions when I think I am stared at) How I would give anything  to get rid of this paranoia of mine (people staring at me when ever I do something, me da cosa) I would so like a relationship with her even though I don't drive or have a bank account or savings for that matter; after reading that last sentence  who knows if I still have a chance. Le he dado muchas vueltas al asunto, its not even funny. Hopefully its n...