Life has so many tight curves that if one is not paying attention, one will find oneself in a situation that one wouldn't of thought of. Life has given me so many opportunities at love but I am yet to make a move even though I think I have the girl at arms length (figuratively).
It is too early for it to be called love but I would like to call it "a love interest" and how do I know this you ask? I know this because God made the connection between us even though we are both shy and timid with each other ( I, myself I am not shy nor timid,only on certain occasions when I think I am stared at) How I would give anything to get rid of this paranoia of mine (people staring at me when ever I do something, me da cosa) I would so like a relationship with her even though I don't drive or have a bank account or savings for that matter; after reading that last sentence who knows if I still have a chance. Le he dado muchas vueltas al asunto, its not even funny. Hopefully its not seen as if I'm playing with her heart, because I'm not and I will never. Playing with someones heart is being heartless and void of any feelings. There's that matter of the age difference, age used to matter to me but now it doesn't, its not because I'm reaching 30.
When life gives you an opportunity at love, give it a chance even though it comes as a disguise; not every crush is the one and not every crush is a bad experience. I might have had a chance at a crush I had, but God gave me a love interest, como dice la Biblia; Toda buena dádiva y todo don perfecto desciende de lo alto, del Padre de las luces, en el cual no hay mudanza, ni sombra de variación. Santiago 1:17
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