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Showing posts from February, 2011


Sometimes in life you will face problems that will shape what you are and what you think. Life is very complex, its full of misleading people and ideas. Everywhere you go, you see people confused with what they are or what they stand for. Tell me, what do you stand for, what do you live for? For what reason are you alive? For what reason do you breathe? I myself know what I stand for, for what I live. Everyone goes through life not kowning whats on the other end, but I do and its Heaven.

2 Samuel 13:2

Originally written on 03/24/11 Title: Waiting for the one. We need to take of our hears, where feelings and emotions rest. Those butterfly feelings should be a thing of the past. Feelings come and go, as well as emotions. One does not fall in love, on decides to love, he/she decides with whom he/she will spend their life together. One should wait and not rush into a committed relationship, one should test the waters of love. God knows the intentions of the heart, of the committed heart. We need wait on God, He'll be the one that gives the green light and if HE did? That's for you to find out as well as for me to find out. Wait upon the Lord God bless.

Gen. 15:17

originally written on 01/04/10 Mi Dios es real, El vive y si existe. El es mi Salvador y mi Redentor. Nada ni nadie va poder moverme de mis creencias, pues estan fundadas en La Palabra de Dios, en sus promesas y en sus verdades. Mi Biblia es especial, pues es la voz de Mi Dios escrita en tinta y en papel. Nadie va poder cambiar mis creencias, de lo que yo creeo. Mis creencias vienen de la Biblia y estan fundadas en las promesas de mi Dios, Grande y Temible.

Olor grato

originally written on 01/02/10 Como crees que Dios mira lo que haces? No nos podemos justificar de ninguna manera, porque no somos nadie para hacer tal cosa. Dios puede percibir tu aliento de como caminas y en donde andas. Dios ama lo puro y lo verdadero, Debemos vivir sin contaminacion del pecado y del mundo; que el mundo no me vaya a influenciar, sino que yo debo hacer la differencia. Uno tiene que ser cristiano. Debo mostrar amor en todo tiempo porque haci Dios lo quiere.

Things in life.

There are things in life that we alone can not understand. There are certain moments in life that confusions reigns in our heart and in our minds. Man alone can not understand the complexity of life. Your life is different from others and that is how one is unique. We are unique because there is only one of you; imagine a world full of you, that everyone is just like you, personality, character, just like you. I know, it would be a chaotic world. That is why God made just one of you. That is why God created everyone different. But there is one thing that everyone has, and that is the soul. Everyone has a soul that is eternal. We know this for fact.

Looking out

Looking out the window and I see a beautiful lady, a lady that has a heart for God. A lady that is always occupied and busy like a bee. A lady that lives out what she believes.

salmos 27:8

Salmos 27:8 Buscando Su rostro. El cristiano debe vivir una vida conforme a lo que Dios diga, no lo que el mundo indica. Vivir una vida santa no es imposible, ni dificil. Cuando uno tiene la determinacion de agradar a Dios en cualquier situacion lo demas le vendra naturalmente. Yo, Armando; vivo cada dia alegre,gozoso y con felicidad. No me importa lo que la gente diga de mi, sea bueno o sea malo. Es muy importante buscar de Dios. Le importas a Dios grandemente; El quiere tu bienestar. La oracion, el ayuno, y la lectura son areas muy importantes donde uno no tiene que discuidarse. No discuides la lectura, el ayuno y la oracion. En que areas eres mas fuerte? Dios da la oportunidad para que hagues bien, para que hagas lo bueno. A que buscar a Dios en oracion, en ayuno y en la lectura.


I'm going to be absent from church for 2 whole weeks. I'll be apart from my fellow brother and sisters for quite awhile but God knows what he does. God looks out for my well-being, He knows my intentions for life; to live out His will and to practice His will. The will of God for my life is this: That I should live a holy life, free from obstruction, free from worries, free from the chains of sin and daily life. That I should read His word and and to cherish them. Day by day, I live for God, I try to be happy, funny and enthusiastic. I know that people will say the contrary of me; but I will not hear them or believe them, what matters is what God thinks of me and not what they think of me. I have faith in God that everything thats happening to me will work out and that God is faithful to his word and his promises. He will not leave me alone, He will not abandon me in my troubles and in my tribulations. This I know to be true, that I am a child of God. This I know to be tr...


One should make the effort to make things happen. There are situations in life that are easy to face on, that are easy to resolve; all we need is a will and an initiative for it to happen. Now, there is saying, "where there's a will, there's a way" and that is true in some cases. One must have a strong will to succeed what he/she wants in life; be it to to succeed in school, work or church. These are part of life, your life. Somewhere deep inside of you, there exist a will, a strong will, the one thing that is hindering the strong to come out are fears, doubts, and your peers. Yeah, your peers, be it your classmates, friends, co-workers and even your fellow christian brethren can be obstacles and sometimes they are the reason why you can't continue. You must do one thing and one thing only, ignore them. If you put your focus on them, they'll let you down, we are humans that err and sin. Keep an eye out for those that try to stop you to succeed. Now, w...

I'd like to share this with you, found it when i was browsing for "passion for the lost souls"

10 little Christians standing in line. 1 disliked the preacher, then there were 9. 9 little Christians stayed up very late. 1 overslept Sunday, then there were 8. 8 little Christians on their way to Heaven. 1 took the low road and then there were 7. 7 little Christians chirping like chicks. 1 disliked music, then there were 6. 6 little Christians seemed very much alive, but one lost his interest then there was 5. 5 little Christians pulling for Heaven's Shore, but one stopped to rest, then there were 4 4 little Christians each busy as a bee. 1 got his feelings hurt, then there were 3 3 little Christians knew not what to do. 1 joined the sporty crowd, then there were 2 2 little Christians, our rhyme is nearly done, differed with each other, then there was 1 1 little Christian can't do much 'tis true, brought his friend to bible study, then there were 2 2 earnest Christians, each won one more. That doubled the number, then there were 4 4 sincere Christia...

how precious is God's time?

I have wasted God's time and this will continue if I dont stop using the internet, especially social network sites. Time is a precious, God's will for me is not wasting his time on nonessential activities or leisure time. I know that my life does not belong to me. I came to a conclusion that I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm a professed christian, i want to say a practical christian but sadly, I'm way far from being a practical christian. The truth hurts and that's all right. I made a decision to stop using God's time in vain. I feel ashamed for calling myself a christian. I thank the Lord for opening my eyes to what i didn't want to acknowledge. I felt very bad for not participating with my church family, for not going out, for not proclaiming God's truth to the world. My prayer is this, to not use facebook, to not see videos online, to not spend hours online doing nothing; I must nourish my soul with the Word of God and no...

This I know

This i know to be true, that God died for me, that He took away my sins away, that  He transported them to the deepest ocean. This i know to be true, that we are ambassadors here on earth, that we should proclaim the truth. This i know to be true, that we should witness to those that do not know of the Savior. What I am doing with this knowledge that i have? They say that knowledge is power, but the power to do what? To accumulate information? I myself am ashamed for not going out on Thurs night to proclaim the gospel to those that have not heard it. I really need to have that conviction to win souls for Christ. Practice. That's all i need, some practice. I need to start practicing the word of God, i need to take action, give myself entirely  to winning souls. " Forgive me Lord for I have sinned, forgive me Lord for not proclaiming your message to those that have not heard it. Forgive oh Lord for not being there with my brethren. I have accumulated a lot of informati...

I'm only human

I go through life thinking, "what would happen if I go forward in my own strengths?" You know the answer; i would fall every second, my mind and body would give to the pressure that surrounds me If i would go through life with my own strengths, i would not make; I'd be depressed everyday. If i would go through life without God's help and His strength, i would not have a reason to live.


There comes a time in my life where i need to drop everything and face the truth, to face the truth that I myself can't help myself, that I need someone to be there for me, someone that gets what I'm going thru, someone that will love me just the way I am. God knows of my intentions and knows my heart, He knows what I long for, He knows of my struggles, He knows of my temptations, He knows the real me. God tells me, "Armando, dont rush into love, don't rush into a relationship, take it slow," but he knows how I am, He is the only person that can change who I am. Why am I saying this? Well there is no reason, i just wanted it to come out of my heart, all this feelings that i have all bottled up. Its very scary to have feelings and hide them, but they gain strength when they are bottled up inside. My heart aches for that person, but for now while i wait, it will ache to please God.

Monday is Valentines

Valentines is almost  around the corner and you, where are you? Valentine is one of those days where a person needs to be very carefull. Maybe you'll be persuaded to give a letter to the someone special, who gives the assurance that he/she will accept it? What if, you haven't given her/him a special letter, or something special,; then comes valentines y te atreves to give them something just because its valentines? Don't make valentines a boring day, an unattractive day. Now, if your single like me, dont make an assumption that she/he will like a small gift from you, who gives you the assurance that he/she will accept. Maybe you haven't made move y te atreves a hacerla on Valentines day? That shows that your are desperate and a coward, hiding behind valentine's day. If it were any other day, would you make  move, would you take a chance, would you risk it? Now, you got nothing to lose when risking it, so you wont risk nothings.... just take a leap of faith ...

Come to me

Child, its time to come back to Me, I've seen how you deal with problems, and it is not right for you to be alone. Let ME help you, come back to me, you need ME. You can't go thru life without ME, When you think that you are strong, to ME, you are weak. Let me give you strength, don't fight alone; Let me help you with this battle of yours. Child, you have gone from My ways, I see that you are confused, I see that you, Come and I will protect you, Come and I will give you peace, Come and lay your burdens on My shoulder, Come and be at peace with Me. I am not mad at you, I am not furious at you for leaving and giving up. I'm just worry about you. I'm worry that you will make bad decisions. Come to me, and I will decide for you, Come to me, I know what's best for you, Come to me and I will give you security, Come to me and I will give rest. Don't go thru life without Me, Keep my Word, Stand firm on my Promise. Yield your will to ...

Its time

So, today is almost over. What have you done today for God's glory? Did your temper got the best of you? Or you weren't thinking straight? God gives us new opportunities everyday of our lives and we should hold on them and make something of it. Tell me, when will you know when God stops giving your new opportunities? Its when He calls you home, its when He says ; "child, its time" that will be the time when God stops giving new opportunities; He'll take you home with Him.

El llamado de Dios

Recuerda cuando fuiestes llamado por Dios para una obra que solo tu lo ibas a poder hacer? El llamado de Dios es irrovicable, que significa que nadie  ni nada lo puede revocar. Cuando el llamado viene a tu vida y lo aceptas, Dios ya tiene en ese momento un lugar para ti. Al aceptar el llamado, renuncias todo lo que eres, particularmente el "yo" Cuando vienes a Dios el "yo" deja de existir. Yo tenia, tengo, tuve el llamado y por causa de las circunstacias de la vida, dicide de dejar, de abondanar el llamado. Llego un momento donde Dios me dice; con el llamado no se juega, vas a tener que soportar todas las pruebas, las dificultades, los resbalones; en eso es donde Dios te purifica. Te purifica pasandote por el fuego de las pruebas. Si una vez tu tenias el llamado, regresa. Dios te espera para que de una vez termines.

Its Amazing

Its amazing how God works in you via person that you have around you or had around you. Today I had a conversation with an old friend of mine, she told me if I was still studying. That question raised an eyebrow or two. I was studying to become a missionary, it was the best 2 1/2 of my life; but because of personal problems I stopped studying. There was one word that made that happpen, "autodisfilicacion". During those years, and after, i had serious problems with my flesh and that made me stopped studying, because i wouldn't have like to use experience as a teacher. Can you use experience as a teacher? To me, its not right. How can a God full of power let someone study for a pastorate and fall repeatedly into the same sin over and over again? I give God the thanks because that scenario rarely happens. When in doubt, look up to God.


God knew of me since i was born, He was always there for me. I got to know about Him at the age of 10/11 years old. I really loved the church that i was going to. "North County Baptist Church, did you hear that AMEN!!!" Everyone in the bus would scream that, and whoever was the loudest would get a dollar. During service, the second hour; whoever sat still, would get a dollar and most of the time, i would get that dollar. I remember one day that i saw from the corner of my eye, people coming out from a small building, back then,  I didn't knew who they were but now, I'm a member of that group of people that now are 300 hundred or so every Sunday. Who would've thought that i would end up as a member of baptist church!! Only God knew about that. Anyways, that point in life in my childhood i cherish it in my heart. I had a whole lot of fun going to Pastor's Millers church when i was just a boy. Now, when I was 16 going to 17, i got saved, it was summer o...

Point in life.

There comes a point in life, where it seems you can't continue. There comes a point in life, where doubts clouds your mind, where everyone is not being truthful to you, but do not worry. There is a Being higher, most powerful than the problems of life. He will shield you, protect you if you give Him a chance. Give Him a chance to be in  your life, welcome Him to your life, accept what He has done for you. God has done so much for me, there is a whole lot more i can do for Him, if i only put my mind into it and practice what i believe. I know that I need to make a difference and live up to God's standards, or at least try; I'm not perfect, but God will give me the strength to accomplish His will. Don't worry, God has control.

Under God's shadow.

Today is going to be big deal for me. I go in to work at noon and get out at 9pm. Now, from 5 to 9 i'll be all alone in the meat department; i wont be under pressure. God will always be my side, no matter what. He is always faithful when we are not. I always look up to Him when I'm in trouble in a  dilemma. One thing that I do not post about is my relationship life/love life. I don't want too, i think its too personal for everyone to know about your most personal emotions or feelings. I'd be a coward if i write "i love you", "i've been thinking about  you" or "i like you"and let her see it; nope i wont do it. Its more better when i say it to her via a hand written letter or face to face conversation, sorry i went off topic. Anyways, working at the meat department is way of showing how responsible I am, working at the meat department is showing how much i love my job, how much i love God. Having a job, it gives you an opportunity ...

Am I?

Am I changing? I mean, what have I done different this past month? Many of you guys will tell me that i should know if I'm changing. I would like some feedback from people that matter to me and I to them. Today is the second month of 2011, and so far, I'm doing all right.   You know what came to my surprise? That i got moved/promoted to the meat department and today will be my second day on the job. Yesterday was awesome, i got to label ant put stickers on the meat packages. No job is easy nor no job is hard, it depends on how well you work and also how well you are with God.