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Showing posts from 2012

2012 Review

This year is almost coming to a close and 2013 is just around the corner. This year was the the best or the worst years that I had. I had faced so many falls and so many victories. I may lose some battles, but I shall win the war because my Lord and Savior guarantees the victory for what He did on the cross, which He died for my sins. This year I so much yielded to my flesh and self that I missed great opportunities   in life that God offered. I should have yield to the Holy Spirit, I should have let the Holy Spirit work thru me, but no; i had to yield to the flesh and the desires of the eyes. This world is coming to an end, very soon our Lord and Christ will be coming for us and we should be ready when ever that happens. What will we be doing? Will he surprise us?  No matter what happens to this world, we should constantly pray and worship together as family. Sed santos, porque YO soy santo.


When we waist time that is of the Lord, we are being disrespectful and selfish. Everything that exist is because of Him and thru Him. We live to bring honor and glory to His Great Name. God is the supplier of our everyday needs, from Him we get our strength and vigor. God must be the number 1 person in your life, before family, work and friends. I have not read the Bible for a whole week and I am feelings the consequences, which are physical and mental. When we are right with God, He sets everything straight; everything that we do will prosper. The clue here is being right with God, to being in His Will and obeying it.

This 25 years

Life is going fast for me; its good to have God by your side when the horizon looks bleak. Soon I will turn 25 and I'm thinking, where did those 25 years went? They just went away without me knowing. I'm remembering my first years in High School and the first years with Gethsemane Baptist Church and I'm longing for them; to live them all over again and redo my life. I don't have regrets, but its worth remembering. The first years of anything is where one enjoys, its where  the routine doesn't exist and time slows. I remember the first time i met people who really caught my attention and especially those people that I made friends with. I remember my first real friend, I remember my first relationship, which sadly changed how i approach girls. Its a good feeling knowing that our past will no longer bother us and its a good feeling we can hold onto precious memories and discard those that made a dent in our lives. Life exist to live it and to enjoy it, life is ...


   When one cannot confront his addictions, be it small or big; something is really wrong. You doing this; letting  the addiction consume your soul; well,  you're just saying that this addiction is bigger than God and that is one big lie.     God oversees everything, He's bigger than life, literally. One must stop whining and face this addiction face to face. If one doesn't do this, it will follow you thru the rest of your life. One must accept and recognize that something is gone terribly gone when God is not first in everything. One must take care of his soul, of his body because its on a lease from God. Everything in life is a lease, nothing is guarantee  to last for ever.    You can't face this addiction, be it small or big alone. You must have God on your side and a very close person by your other side. If you can't believe or accept this addiction that has taken over your life, God will surely call your ...

Its not about telling her, its about waiting

In all my life, I have never tried to gain the attention of a girl, I never did anything to impress a girl. For me, liking a girl is tough to do if she's not in the same page as me. Sometimes it will not be the case, they'll be some times when being in the same page is not all important. Remember the movie “Never been kissed”?, well to me its “Never been a first date” and as a christian, dating is hard. I dont have a car, money is scarce for me (sometimes I have, sometimes I dont, depends on the hours) and I'm super shy when it comes to girls, cause I can't express my feelings. Do you know why I can't express my feelings? Its not all about my shyness, but telling point blank to girl that I like her? Just like that? It gives me the chills. Well, what do I got to lose telling a girl that I like her, when in fact I got everything to win if she respond positively; but its not necessarily important to express your feelings to her early. Wait a while, gain h...

2012: Memorable Year

Half a year has passed now, And my heart still wonders what happen. It wonders and questions the path that it took: the path full of vanity and sorrow. Where the light is no more and where darkness reigns. Oh dear soul, blame no one for your misfortune. Look and examine your steps, that took you to your spiritual demise. Look for strength where light is power, where hope is the key to every door, where happiness is the element of life, where joy is the strength and where life is just beautiful. Oh dear soul, Don't fret on the what ifs of life, Don't fret on the past, Don't be hard on yourself, Let God do his job: by keeping you safe and secure. Oh beautiful soul, no one or nothing should influence you, only the One who created you has that power. Don't worry about this world, which is full of vanity and of itself. Worry about your inner you, about your inner child: Where in your child...


The backslider and its acronyms : B is for bitterness . A is for absence. C is for carelessness. K is for ______________. S is for selfish . L is for lazyness. I is for impolitle. D is for disapproval. E is for egocentric R is for rebellious. BITTERNESS. A backslider looses the joy of his salvation but his soul is saved from damnation. He can't see how wonderful it is to live under God's watchful eyes. His eyes are covered with sin and he can't see straight, spiritual talking. He feels that people are nagging, that they can't leave him alone. He feels that the whole world is up in arms against him, but its the other way around; is the devil who's doing all the damages to his soul. His bitterness if not controlled, if not killed will take over his intellectual mind and his soul. He'll be bitter everyday till he's death. ABSENCE. The Holy Spirit is absent, because somehow he can't hear his inner voi...


Recently I've been  thinking about my calling, I'm thinking about the reasons why I left it. Life teaches you to stop thinking and start living. I haven't been right with God this past days and weeks, I haven't read His Word, for in His Word there are answers to my questions. One questions that stills plagues my mind is this: Should I really go back to the instituto and finish my pastoral studies? Do I really need to do something with my life? Duh yeah. God knows my weakness and my strengths. He knows my limits. But that doesn't stop him and it shouldn't stop me from restarting 2012.

When sin happens

When we sin, we disrespect the holiness of God and His Sovereignty. When we sin, our minds will become dull, our sensibility will be blocked by our arrogance and our pride. Arrogance is a very bad influence upon christian thoughts. (My soul has been in anguish ever since i stopped reading the Bible, my soul hasn't been able to reconnect with God; i would like to reconnect with my Lord, it will happen when i go back to church and start being faithful with my God and my brethren when it comes to church service. ) I would give anything to go back in time to my first love, which is winning souls and being faithful no matter what happens. Now a days, i don't worry if i go to church or not. My mind has become tolerant to the things that surround my life, now i accept everyone the way they are and not judge them by saying they're going to hell because of who they are, even thou its true. I have lost my will to seeing things the way God sees it and i so want it back. As a chr...

La Fidelidad de Dios

La Fidelidad de Dios El hombre cristiano, por su capacidad, no puedo hacer lo que quiere para agradar a Dios, hay obstaculos en la vida que no permite que el crisitiano avance. Es verdad que mi Jesus vencio la muerte y que tuvo la victoria sobre el pecado. El momento de que uno recibe a Cristo, empieza la guerra entre dos naturalezas: la naturalez carnal y la del espiritu. El hombre cristiano tiene mucho obstaculos, tiene mucho trabajo para avanzar sin deternerse. Satanas hara todo en su limitado poder para desviar el varon de Dios. Hay tres cosas que tenemos que tener grabados en nuestra mente y corazon; 1. Las misericordias de Dios, 2. la fidelidad de Dios, y 3. la serindad que Dios da. Sino fuera por la fidelidad de Dios, estuviaramos derrotados, no tuvieremos la fuerza para levantarnos de un golpe, seriamos como la sal que pierde su sabor. Gracias a Dios, que por su misericordia no nos hemos perdido en la vanidad de este mundo. Dios quiere que sepas, de que tienes...
Its been awhile since i have read my Bible. Ever since i stopped reading Bible i haven't been the same person that God saved. I have been faithful to my Lord, to my brethen and to my pastor. The Bible is the sole strength for our soul, it is where the soul refreshes daily, which i haven't; that's why i have been indifferent to every one and every thing. Hopefully my soul will regain its strength, its power to say no to the perverse ways of this world. I do miss my friends at church, i do miss my brothers from early morning prayer, i do miss being happy, being content with what i have and what i have learned so far. Once a christian always a christian, no matter what. My life has been accommodated to that of my Lord ever since i knew of Him when i was a kid. I am but a simple minded person, which can be easily be pursuaded if haven't had my daily dose of reading my Bible. Lord, forgive me for what i have done, forgive me for my unfaithfulness. Perdone mi necedad, m...

to be continue.....

Have you ever thought what life would be without God? at first life wouldn't exist, we wouldn't exist. Now God not in your life is a whole different matter. Now the question is: Have ever you ever thought how your life would be without God? Your life will be dull and without meaning, you will lose focus of the things that matter to you, which are part of your life.......this is the first post since of Feb 2.... come back later....

Here I am

Here I am Lord, with my heart full of regret and reproach with happenings of my life. I am well aware of my ill character and personality.  I know that i have ignored your precious Word and that i have let you down. Life is but short without you, life is dull without your presence and your mercies. I haven't read the Bible for quite some time now. This new year started very bad for me pues no tengo dominio propio sobre mi carne. Help me be the man you want me to be.

Penas y conflictos

Tengo dias sin leer la Palabra de Dios, tengo dias sin realmente pasar tiempo con mis hermanos, he fracasado en cuanto a mi convicciones que he acumulado atraves de estos a ñ os. Extra ñ o mi vieja forma de ser, cuando tenia mis pantalones bien amarrados con la Palabra de Dios. Mi vida en este momento carece de personalidad y de esfuerzo. Cada dia que pasa sin leer la Palabra de Dios, mi ser se va desgastando y mis convicciones se debelitan. Ojala que mis creencias no menguen, ojala, espero en Dios que lo que creeido no sea en vano. Quiero creer que la fidelidad de Dios me mantenga mientras mi alma pase por este tormento que yo mismo me he causado. Yo se a quien le he creeido, yo se y conozco Aquel que dejo todo para venir a socorrernos de nosotros mismos y del infierno. Yo mismo soy mi propio enemigo, yo mismo me tropiezo, yo mismo me enga ñ o pensando que todo estara bien, y que en la realidad, todo lo que soy, todo mi ser va de punta abajo a la destruccion de mis conviccio...

Tomorrow's News

As you may now know, tomorrow is Sunday, our Lord's day. Truthfully, I haven't been to church for about almost 3 weeks. I've been unfaithful to my Lord's will and His Word. Hopefully I might awake very early in the morning and prepare everything for the day. I also work at 3 on Sunday. Hopefully everything will go right with God and I and hopefully I will recharge my batteries. Don't forsake our Lord's will for the pleasures of this world which are temporal and full of vanities. I started the New Year with low self-esteem and putting my eyes on the pleasure of flesh and on the materialism that the world offers. Hopefully February will be a different story :)

Sometimes life is funny in its own way

Sometimes life will give you something to laugh  at, something to cry at and something to hope for. It will also give you obstacles to climb for, to ignore and to face. All things in life happen for a reason, even thou you don't understand it; you just need to accept it. The facts in life are true; your family, your friends. They are facts because  they exist for your well being. Whatever the reason families don't get along, that doesn't stand as an excuse to treat each other like enemies. The very core of life is family, the connection that each member has, will stand against the sands of time. It doesn't matter how your every day life plays out; what matters is if you stay in for the long run till your last breath. Life is a gift and it should be enjoyed with full gratitude. Don't let little moments, past failures, and yourself get in the way of you enjoying life the fullest as you were to meant to when you were created. Don't let your inferiority get i...


Its been two weeks now without reading my Lord's Great Book and not winning souls. Its been two weeks since I haven't joined my prayer buddies early in the morning. I remember those good times praying with my brothers, going door to door and just having fun the way it is meant to. A christian's heart to be in place under God's grace and mercy. The will of God should be the power by which the christian walks. God did not created lazy and coward people. He made us a su semejanza. The ingredients necessary for a great christian life are: 1. Prayer 2.Fasting 3.Fellowship 4.Soul winning 5.Living in God's will 6.Yielding to the Holy Spirit If I don't find myself in my Lord's will, i will become indifferent to others and to me. I will fall victim to this world's vanities. Anything that doesn't last long is vanity. Hopefully in God's grace and mercy  I'll spring up and take action on my faith and beliefs. I'll sp...


I confess that I haven't been true to God, that  I haven't been true to my belief, that I haven't been true to myself, that I have been relying upon my flesh. I confess that I have been indifferent to God, to the Holy Spirit and to His Word. I must come out and confess or else I'll keep going down hill until i lose my sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. If I continue the way I'm going, I'll lose my creativity, I'll lose the one thing that makes me, organization and my sane mind.

The Importance of Belief

Right now my world is upside down, because of my actions and the way I'm living. I haven't read my Bible for two whole weeks, maybe that;s the reason why I am who I am, you get me? The Bible for a christian is the compass for life, it guides, comforts and brings hopes to our soul.  The value of ones belief rests upon their action and upon what they do with their beliefs and hopes. Everyone has a reason to keep living, and they hold unto that belief or hope which they have created or nurtured. (hopefully I'm making sense) If believing in a God so important, why can't our life style show it? why can't our daily walk show it? If believing in God so important, why do we stay the same after accepting our Lord's gift? If hoping to live ever after, why can't we share the good news everyday, till the last breath?  I am so tired making up excuses for not doing my Lord's will. I am so tired to be useless in God's hand. I must get back on my feet and knowled...

One Special Girl

One Special Girl There is a boy who can not stop falling in love with a beautiful girl. Opportunities always rise for him to show and express his feelings for her, to show how much he cares for her and how much he admires what she does for her Lord. Time and time again God presents occasions for small talk but he won't just budge. He has learned to express himself thru ink and pen (some occasions on his laptop) since he started high school back in 2001. Sometimes love can be so mysterious, and also wonderful. If one cannot express his feelings orally, one must express himself through writing, and that is one way he expresses himself. Many times we'll ask why one was created timid and shy, but that is not the right question to ask. We weren't created to be cowards and runaways, we were created with a strong mind. Only through experience one catches the flus name shyness and timidness. As you can see, I change my theme of my writing. Now, what can someone do be c...

Yesterday News

Yesterday at the park, if I would've had the courage and the guts; I would've invited her for a walk and chat. I would've told her how much I think about her, how much I admire her outlook on life. Telling her that God has great plans for her and our church; but that was in the past, boy did I start the New Year with the wrong foot. How can a person like me, shy and timid be able to start a relationship with a wonderful girl who is quite the opposite of me. She is the great example for all young girls at church, every time she serves her Lord, I can't keep my eyes off her. She looks always great, no matter what she does, because she loses herself in God's will. Its true that feelings and emotions come and go; but true love, that of God's, last for ever and ever. Some say that falling in love is instant and that makes no sound, but I have learned that falling in love takes a lifetime, that's why people marry. I think that love is at its best when its...