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Yesterday News

Yesterday at the park, if I would've had the courage and the guts; I would've invited her for a walk and chat. I would've told her how much I think about her, how much I admire her outlook on life. Telling her that God has great plans for her and our church; but that was in the past, boy did I start the New Year with the wrong foot.

How can a person like me, shy and timid be able to start a relationship with a wonderful girl who is quite the opposite of me. She is the great example for all young girls at church, every time she serves her Lord, I can't keep my eyes off her. She looks always great, no matter what she does, because she loses herself in God's will. Its true that feelings and emotions come and go; but true love, that of God's, last for ever and ever.

Some say that falling in love is instant and that makes no sound, but I have learned that falling in love takes a lifetime, that's why people marry. I think that love is at its best when its mutual between the two parties and great when its consume in matrimony. When one thinks, time flies and opportunities are wasting away when we don’t take action. Love will finds its way between two people.

Dicen que amar es una decision, pero debe ser mutuo. El amor nunca va vencer lo importuno, uno tiene que tomar la oportunidad y de aprovecharla. Pero aveces uno puedo ser muy menso y clueless, that when the opportunity rises, one is late to to capture and that opportunity is lost, until God opens the door of said girl. Maybe He did, but it will be sometime before the boy in question realizes it. El amor nunca se cansa y ese muchacho no se cansara hasta que el tiempo venga, en donde tendre the courage and the guts to ask her out.

God bless and take care.


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