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The backslider and its acronyms :
B is for bitterness.
A is for absence.
C is for carelessness.
K is for ______________.
S is for selfish.
L is for lazyness.
I is for impolitle.
D is for disapproval.
E is for egocentric
R is for rebellious.

A backslider looses the joy of his salvation but his soul is saved from damnation. He can't see how wonderful it is to live under God's watchful eyes. His eyes are covered with sin and he can't see straight, spiritual talking. He feels that people are nagging, that they can't leave him alone. He feels that the whole world is up in arms against him, but its the other way around; is the devil who's doing all the damages to his soul. His bitterness if not controlled, if not killed will take over his intellectual mind and his soul. He'll be bitter everyday till he's death.

    1. ABSENCE.
The Holy Spirit is absent, because somehow he can't hear his inner voice, he can't seem to be obedient to the teachings of the Holy Spirit. There is an absence of holiness and of reverence to God's word and creation. There's no respect to God's word, no respect to the Bible. He can't see how valuable the reading of the Bible is. In it, he'll find all the nutrition that his soul needs. He can't notice the spiritual perspective on key aspects of life, he only sees what its important to him and not to his belief system.

He seems to not care what happens to his soul, he can't care about losing his walk and devotion; because there’s an absence of conviction. He care more about himself, his carnal self. He begins to have doubts, he becomes confuse and starts thinking that people who has influence him, stopped caring about him. God has other plans, but he seems to not noticing it. He wont budge to being changed by the Holy Spirit, because deep inside of his very soul; he knows very well that time is running out and when that happens, it will be very difficult to get back on track.

He starts caring more about him family, his job and the people around him; which he start knowing since he starting working with them. He stopped seeing the true value of real friendship, and because of that its very difficult to start a friendship; he thinks it will just come to existing without any work from him. True friendship is what God is all about, we were enemies of God and yet He came to this world to die for us, plus He offered us a place in Heaven while we were yet sinners

    1. Kills our conviction and there's only one way of getting it back (revival)
Before everything went down hill, there was joy, there was conviction, there was respect and dignity. All this got killed by very notion of becoming a backslider, I assure you; no one plans to be a failure. It just happens when we start ignoring the Scriptures, when we get distracted. Apathy is one the characters of the backsliding christian, its sister is called “indifference”.

    1. Selfish
We start setting our own goals and we leave God out of it. We leave everything spiritual aspect and we sort of adopt the world aspect of life. We start viewing life with different eyes. We start getting what we want, what we dream, what we hope for; not what God wants, not for the well-being of others.
We become selfish straight down to the very meaning of the said word. We start looking for ourselves and not for others. Life suddenly starts revolving around our lives, we want all the attention of our peers and if we don’t get, we start feeling lonely and rejected.

    1. Laziness
We begin to have so much free time, and we just don’t want to do anything. There's no progress, we get stuck on road to life. All our responsibilities are not important no more, we start to losing our priorities. We lose focus on the importance of life. We stop seeing life as an adventure and we start seeing it as a death trap, even thou its ironic (because life and death don't mix well) We start loosing our foot on reality and begin to focus on lies. God wont work with no lazy person, very soon the day will come when we will give _______ (cuentas) to our Lord and Savior about our actions.

    1. Impolite
For a christian, common courtesy is a way of life. When one stops of reading God's word, apathy and indifference comes to existence in one's life. Soon he will forget that being polite and nice is one our characters that we adopt from God. We lose the spirit of good and pure, we lose that essence of life. Everything in life will start being dull and blank to one's eye. They won't feel the responsibilities, being good or bad wont matter to them because they can't see the difference between those two.

    1. Disapproval
One will start wanting approval from peers and friends, and they won't seek approval from the Most High. Their life will start shaping into what others think of him/her. They'll believe everything that is said about them, being true or false. A christian is always a christian no matter what happens, because its not our fidelity but the One who gives it; but that should not be the reason for wanting to do what we want. We stop being considerate of others, if we lose the approval from our peers; we want to die now and then. The world revolves around being approved, about pleasing everybody; they'll do anything just to get attention.

When start going down this path of misery, we start loosing our Lord's approval. We start wanting to please anyone, minus God.

    1. Egocentric
We start losing ourselves in our own little world. We stop pleasing everyone and start pleasing ourselves, wanting to be right every time. There's a harsh truth out there, not everybody is right or wrong, its just their views and perspective that are not align with your beliefs. We start aligning ourselves into what we think its OK. Life doesn't simply stop just because you say so or just because your falling behind. We want what we see, and we'll get it one way or the other; and that shouldn't be the case. We think highly of ourselves, floating in the clouds, while reality is getting ready to drop a bomb.

    1. Rebellious
We start getting out of control when things don't go our way. We start loosing our cool and our good manners. One should stop and think before all hells gets lose. We start to rebel against anyone that has authority over us or anyone that gets in our way. We are in the most dangers phase where maybe, maybe we wont be able to get up; but here is where God comes in. He'll start influencing you indirectly and before you know it, your back on track. Life will always throw you a mean one and sometimes we will fall on our way to progress. God wont forsake you or leave you when you fall, He'll help you out, He'll use situations in life in order to help.


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