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Showing posts from 2010
I've been a terrible christian. I stopped reading the Bible because of childish things. I felt bad and still do. I've been away from my dear brothers and sister, i feel filthy. My mind is all but weak from the influence of the world. Its time to stand up and face the God, time to live for Him. Time to appreciate His blessings, his love, his mercy, and His favor. I cant stop, the only One that can stop me is God.


just before i got out the door of my apartment. i went all mad because i couldn't find my charger for my netbook. I went out of control trashing the bedroom. Hope my dad will say nothing to me, hopefully.... You know, its funny how we see others with different eye views than they to us. Hopefull, next year will bring new things to armando's life.

friend, part 2

Friend Where will you do when trouble comes? To whom will you share your thoughts and doubts? To whom will you share your victories and your falls? I give thanks to God because it is He that is our Counselor. Life has many sharp turns and believe me, we cant go on living on our own wills and decisions; that is why reading God's is so important, it gives us life and energy. Go one day without reading the Bible and watch, you wont be the same person. What I struggle the most is reading my Bible in a quiet place and without distraction, but I still find ways to read God's words. Problems will always be a fact a life, even in a Christian's life. Don't let personal feelings take a hold on you, what ever you are feeling, be it good or bad and if it distracts you from doing God's will, give those feelings to God and He'll know what to do with them. I am but a little guy in this great giant world, full of problems and obstacles, dont let anything distract you from th...

Friend, part 1

Dear friend.... God has done great things in your life; He has done things that you cant even understand, but one day you will. You will get a chance to meet your Creator face by face and you'll be able to ask a bunch of questions that you had when you were in earth. Meanwhile, do your best to please your Creator. He has put you in this world for a really good reason, to proclaim His good news to those that long for it. Everyone has a big empty space in their life, but they'll do anything to ignore it. Its up to you to shade a little light in their life. The Holy Spirit will go with you, be not afraid what people say about us, be afraid for their souls, for they shall go to hell. You know the reason why souls go heaven and why they go to hell, that reason is real simple, those who go to hell, reject Christ our Savior and reject His existence and those that go Heaven, are those the embrace the Savior and accepts His great gift, eternity with Him and with all the angels and w...

doing what matters

Doing what matters We act, we live and we survive in this world full of sin. People do stuff for a reason. We go to school for a reason, we work for a reason, we get marry for a reason, we suffer for a reason. Everyone know why they do what they do; but we as Christians, we have someone to live for, to suffer for. Life is full of troubles, trials, and suffering. The school of life is a wonderful adventure, an extraordinary experience. When we graduate, wow, what a great feeling we will have. Dear christian friend, whether your 1 year in the Lord or 20 years in the Lord, we all face trials; they are a fact of life and the fact is, God will always have a open door. Do not worry about what the world say or do to you. Just know that you have Someone that is looking out for you and that He has your best interest. Don't you worry about thing. Have faith in God and believe in His word and promises.
What can I do to please my Lord? Will i live in His will? Certainly. Will I be under his will? Certainly. Will a accept the fact that God control all aspects of my life? Certainly, I will. Will I be able to stand firm and hold my ground? Certainly. Will u be able to pray for me so that i can become a better man? Will you help me to be a better man? We need to face God's reality, and His reality is doing His will, we must live under His will and his hand, His powerful hand. We must accept the fact that God controls every aspect of my life and yours. We must be sure of ourselves and by being firm, we'll be able to God's will and will not fall or be shaken by the enemy. Live Strong....

been away

God has been calling me but i was a stubborn boy, not hearing the call of God. good thing i was there on Sunday morning when pastor Abram preached about what was in mind all this time; the call of God. Life has no meaning what so ever when God is not with you. Live for God and not your own pleasures. Enjoy life, but with God, cuase he is the creator and redeemer of your soul....

amigo mio 1

Querido amigo, Le pido a Dios perdon y a ti tambien por dejarte escribir estas cartas de motivacion y consuelo. Mucho tiempo tiene ya sin correspondencia entre tu y yo. Que has hecho hno mio? Has crecido en la gracia de nuestro Salvador y Redentor? No has perdido de vista a Dios verdad? Como dice Dios en su palabra, nuestros ojos deben estar puestos en El, pues El nos da la victoria en nuestras batallas. Cuando comienzas un nuevo dia, este por seguro de que Dios te dara la victoria, pues El pelea por nosotros. El es nuestro amparo y consuelo. No dejes que el mundo te engane, no dejes que influyen tu mente con palabras y culturas vanas. Todo lo que hay en este mundo es vano y no durara. Busca lo eterno y habra recompensa por todo lo que has pasado mientras estabas aqui en este mundo. Recuerda, el mundo es bien persuasive y te enganara mientras este tu aqui. Bueno, hermano mio; que Dios te guarde y te protega por largos dias de tu vida. Que cada vez que habres tus ojos a un nuevo dia, Di...

i have...

Love can wait for me. Im still young and full of dreams. I should be worried who should be my wife. I should worry to please my Lord and Savior. I should give my feelings about her to Him and he'll take care of it. He knows my intentions and feelings towards her.

a thought

Being single is a decision that some one makes in his/her life. There are 4 major decisions in life: 1. To keep studying all through college. 2. To pick a job 3. to choose someone that you will live with her/him forever until death 4. Picking a good neighborhood so that ur kid grows up good.

mujercita mia

Amada mia Mujercita mia, mucho tiempo he esperado este tiempo en dicerte que te amo. Por muchas razones espere ansiosamente este dia en decirte esto. Soy el hombre de pocas palabras pero dentro de mi, soy un hombre de muchos pensamientos. En mi mente vagaba el amor que yo sentia de ti. Muchas veces ese amor se iba de vacciones, pues habia tiempos donde no sentia nada por ti, pero el amor ya llego y esta ansioso de conocerte. Le he dicho tanto de ti; de como eres, de que hermosa eres, tus valores y tus prioridades. Le he dicho tambien de ti que eres toda una dama. El amor brinco de gozo cuando le platique de esto. Mujercita mia, Dios sabe de mis intenciones contigo. Quiero que mi Dios te bendiga con un hombre que te ame como yo te amo. Yo quiero tu felicidad; mujercita mia, Dios sabe que te amo mucho, pero si Dios no quiere que usted y yo seamos, dejare que El obre en tu vida y en la mia. Que mi Dios llene tu vida con gozo y felicidad. Que en el dia de tu compleanos llegue el hombre...

Spiritual intimacy

Is it not wonderful think about the One you love the most? I am talking about our Creator and our Savior (my Savior) I have let him down so many times and sometimes i stop and think; what am I doing? Whats wrong with me? God has done alot of stuff so that we have our salvation. We need to understand that we are making our Lord sad by not obeying his will and by not living it. Do you know the will of the Lord? Read his Word Win Souls Pray Stand up for Him and what we believe in. First, we need to read his word, He left it written down for a good reason. So that we can learn how to do his will. Second, win souls, that is the one thing that is close to our Lord's heart Third, We need to talk to him, tell him about our worries, troubles and doubts about life and the universe. And last, we need to stand up for what we believe. We should not be easily fooled by the world. Remember, we are at war.

mi pensamiento

Hay muchas cosas pasando por mi mente. Preacupado de que no me den el trabajo pero i need to stop worrying about it. My burdens are in God's hand. Lord please, help me through this treacherous road that is life. Hold my hand in times of turbulence. Lord please take me by your side, Lord help me out.... Thank you for all the blessigns that you have given to this vile sinner. thank you for your great mercy, grace and forgiveness.....

Think about God

Do not worry what people think of you. worry what God thinks about you. We are here in this earth to satisfy the One that created us in His image. We need to live a life of gratitude for what He has done for us. Fellow reader, my name is Jose and I am a fundamental "conservative" baptist. Please let us live in gratitude to our God.

Amigo mio

Amigo Mio, Mucho tiempo ha pasado, y espero que hays crecido en el Senor, hoy te quiero platicar y explicarte sobre las tentaciones, de como vienen y como poder vencerla. Primero, nosotros solos no podemos vencer la tentacion, nuestra carne es debil y somos presa facil. Tenemos a Alguien que es mas grande que nuestra tentaciones y el mismo no fue vencido por la tentacion de Satanas. El fue tentado 3 veces cuando ayuno 40 dias y noches en el desierto. El lucho y vencio al maligno. Las tenaciones vienen por cualquier causa, se podra decir que es parte de la vida cristiana. Las tentaciones son muy duras, y Dios nos ayuda, nos da consuelo; nos da la puerta para salir de la tentacion. Necesitamos llenarnos de la Palabra de Dios para haci, vencer las tantaciones. Las tentaciones te llevan al pecado y el pecado te rompe la comunion que tienes con Dios. Pidele a Dios que te las fuerzas para vencer la tentacion y el poder para ignorarla. Recuerda, el pecado rompe tu comunion con Dios.