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Showing posts from April, 2016

Just wrong

Can't we all get along without disrespect  each other? Don't use you belief in order to look down on other people. As Christians, aren't we call to respect? As Christians, aren't we supposed to be polite and courteous? Its because of action likes "this Christian" that Christianity is frown upon, like the bible says: As it is written: "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you." Rom. 2:24. I know we're suppose to be zealous about God's holiness, but to go as far as this person did, is that being zealous?

With my heart in my hand.

There has to be more than being a Christian, but there is. The sin that is holding you hostage makes it very difficult for you to progress in this thing call the "Christian life" This "life" is all about taking you cross and this means taking your insecurity with you: if you speak up about what really troubles you, you'll think that you'll face backlash from people  you know because they see this sin as awful and unthinkable; this is the reason why so many believe, think that not all sins are equal. Sometimes one need to keep things to one self because one is unsure on how others will react: we let our imagination on what might happen go wild. Biblically, all sins are equal because God shows it to you by guilt. If one feels guilt after failing God, that same guilt encompasses all sins when committed. God is all we need, not people because they fail and because one is unsure on how they will react to something they never reacted to. Its very important to...

The war on Christians (bad grammar ahead, please be patient)

Ever since someone wanted to be like God, sin has plague this earth like there is no tomorrow. Satan, the devil, Lucifer what ever you want to call him can't get to God himself and thus he is trying to taint the followers of Christ so that he can take as many he can so to not suffer alone; there was a moment where he thought he could taint Christ by offering a fraction of what he (satan) owns (remember God owns everything) The devil, the accuser has been shaping men since the dawn of age, shaping them so artistically that its almost impossible to distinguish them from real men of God. Its though as if today's culture is the climax into something big and when that happens one needs to be prepared to defend the faith, to defend ones heart from all the dirt that will come off of said climax. This war started long ago before you and I were born, there are key people in history that made all this mumbo jumbo come into existence as truth (remember the devil likes to taint that is...


H is for Hope ; when He convicts me of my  sin, there is still hope for this sinner. O is for Objective ; His objective is the sanctification of my soul, in turn I need to be obedient in     order for the process to work. L is for His Lordship ; He is Lord and I need to starting living for Him. Y is for Yield ; I need to always yield to Him even though the circumstances don't call for it, no matter what goes in my life, I should always obey, I should always yield to His Voice. S is for Sacrific e; I need to sacrifice my  body and not give in to it, my strength should come from the Holy Spirit, for He has an endless supply of it. P is for Patience; and boy does He have a lot.  I is for Intellect; Without His intellect and His Wisdom, I could've been in a worse situation, I would have never picked myself up with His help, He reminds me that He is worthy for me to get up. R is for Reliable ; I can always rely on Him, He can never do wrong. ...