Respect; the first in this 13 part series of my R.E.S.P.O.N.S.I.B.I.L.I.T.Y as a Christian.
As a Christian I should respect God and everything He stands for, this means respecting my Pastor, respecting my boss and respecting people that He has put in my life. By obeying, by respecting Him is giving honor where is due, because He deserves it; who else would've died for me? who else would've taken my place? who else would've taken my punishment?
By not obeying Him I am disrespecting Him and everything he stands for, by disrespecting authority I am disrespecting divine order. I should honor Him in everything that I say or do.
By not being on time to work or to church, I am not honoring Him, I am not respecting Him, even partial obedience is disobedience (1 Tim. 5:21) I need to be more faithful to the service of my church, which means I must be more faithful to God.
If one is faithful to God and honors Him in everything he/she does, God will take care of the details.
We should respect God and everything He stands for, we should be on time to our jobs and to our services at church, we should always obey our pastors because they watch over us (Hebrews 13:17)
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