As I was listening to a dear brother of mine and his sermon, I was able to pay attention and I wrote some notes that I got from being a good listener; he was speaking in Spanish; but the notes, I wrote them in English...
The Title of the Sermon was: "don't give in" Luke 8:49
*When one is in need, the first person that we should go to is to Jesus, our Savior and our Redeemer; pleading for his mercy, for his help, for his solution to our problem.
*despite what they say, despite the distraction, we should never lose sight of His promises, we should never lose sight of what He can do; everything is possible to Him!! stand firm and keep on praying and pay no attention to the nay sayers.
*God will always manifest Himself to you while you remain faithful him and firmed (standing on the promises of God!!) Don't redicule yourself by losing sight of God greatest treasures.
*despite the difficulty of the situation, God is bigger and better.
and an unrelated note;
not everyone has the same faith.
Keep on fighting the good fight and don't faint, God is on your corner.
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