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New Years Message.

Don't let what Jesus did on that cross for you be in vain; if this year left you all miserable and without hope is because you stopped seeing in God in the little details of life. You let all the meaningful problems be big because you didn't want to face the truth; that you let God down, that you let yourself down and your church. What ever happen this year, don't take it with you to the New Year where hope is waiting for you, where love is just one step away and where God is waiting: for He always go in front of you. Don't be afraid, God is here with you, but He already made a way so that you won't step on any obstacles. Jesus made a big comeback after his death: he conquered it! If you let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit this year, you will make a comeback just like our Savior did. Happy New Years Eve and God bless. Truly Yours, Jose.

Word of God

God does not deserve to be ignored, His Word is power to the one who reads it, to the one who lives it. The Word of God will quench the thirst, will clean the mind and soul from all of the dirt that has attach itself to you from the world. Don't let sin stop you from reading God's word; it is where you needed it the most so that you can get rid of that clouded mind.

Ecclesiastes 7:14

The world is full of injustice and of sin, they are equal in size and in strength; but that doesn't mean that there is no hope. Life in this world was wonderfully created but Lucifer didn't what it that way, he had to butt in on Adam and Eve, he was jealous of their connection to God; that same connection he had before he decided to sit on God's throne, to be like him.   Just like bacteria exist in our body, sin was always present, it means missing the mark and Lucifer purposely missed it by trying to be just like God. So , when trouble comes your way, don't ask why; ask what can I learn? We all are sinners because of Adam did on that not so joyful day, when he decided to  be persuaded by Eve in taking a bite out of that forbidden fruit.  The injustice will always happen, it means  to doubt God's grace and mercy, it means to take God out of our daily life, it means for us to be indifferent towards God's goal, which is to share the Gospel of Christ. ...

God's policy on Social Media

As I was reading my Bible a few days ago, God showed me some verses that was very relatable to what I do, to what we do in social media. One question I asked myself: Am I promoting myself or God?  May the Holy Spirit open your eyes to this verses and may you find a way to apply them. (1 Tim.3:15) But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself i n the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. (1 Cor. 10:32)  Do not cause anyone to stumble , whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God-- (Proverbs 27:17)  Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens a friend's character.   (1 Thess. 5:11)  Wherefore comfort yourselves together , and edify one another , even as also ye do. (Eph. 4:9)  Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen . (Heb...

Pierced Heart (Exodus 28:29-30)

“Whenever Aaron enters the Holy Place,  he will bear the names of the sons of Israel over his heart on the breastpiece of decision as a continuing memorial before the  Lord .   30  Also put the Urim and the Thummim  in the breastpiece, so they may be over Aaron’s heart whenever he enters the presence of the  Lord . Thus Aaron will always bear the means of making decisions for the Israelites over his heart before the  Lord . As I was doing my daily devotionals, I came across the above verse and it took me verse (John 19:34) Jesus was thinking about me at that moment, he took my punishment, he took my place, He paid my debt and it was up to me to accept it or to reject.  Its not so much about believing in God, its more about believing His Word.

Empowered by God (Eph. 6:10)

    Empowered by Him, the second  in this 13 part series of my R.E.S.P.O.N.S.I.B.I.L.I.T.Y  as a Christian.     My responsibility  as a Christian is that I need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit,  I need ask to for it. How else will I succeed? How else will I be able to climb obstacles that are in my way? I need to be strong in the Lord and not faint by every little thing; everything is little when you have a God that is larger than life, when you have a God that time and space cannot contain Him, it is He who contains them.    God did not call me to be weak, He did not call me to be sorry for myself or being sorry for someone else; each of one us has potentials to do great things in life, we just need to be mindful of our positions as Christians.   Ask God to empower you so that you can do great things for him, we were bought with a great price; let the blood that was shed on Calvary mean something, because it ...

Friday Night Prayer service notes.

As  I was listening to a dear brother of mine and his sermon, I was able to pay attention and I wrote some notes that I got from being a good listener; he was speaking in Spanish; but the notes,  I wrote them in English...    The Title of the Sermon was: "don't give in" Luke 8:49 *When one is in need, the first person that we should go to is to Jesus, our Savior and our Redeemer; pleading for his mercy, for his help, for his solution to our problem. *despite what they say, despite the distraction, we should never lose sight of His promises, we should never lose sight of what He can do; everything is possible to Him!! stand firm and keep on praying and pay no attention to the nay sayers.  *God will always manifest Himself to you while you remain faithful him and firmed (standing on the promises of God!!) Don't redicule yourself by losing sight of God greatest treasures.  *despite the difficulty of the situation, God is bigger and better....

From my Vault of Ideas and Writings.

6 Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment and wait on thy God continually. 9 O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thine help. In today’s' reading of the Bible (my utmost for His Highest reading plan) I found out that I am destroying myself not coming to God when I most need Him, I am destroying my convictions, the strengths that God has given me; I replaced them with strengths from the world. The world has no say in your life; remember we are not of this world, we are just passing by. Built up your convictions and renew your strengths from within, let the Holy Spirit work thru you, let Him strength you with all His power. Adopt the strength of your Lords' as your own. I need to turn to God when I am destroying myself by sinning and by not giving though that God is right next to me; that is what sin and temptation do, they blindside you, they block you from God's presence. Be judgmental on unmoral values that might a...

Respect. (Mal. 1:6)

Respect; the first in this 13 part series of my R.E.S.P.O.N.S.I.B.I.L.I.T.Y  as a Christian.  As a Christian I should respect God and everything He stands for, this means respecting my Pastor, respecting my boss and respecting people that He has put in my life. By obeying, by respecting Him is giving honor where is due, because He deserves it; who else would've died for me? who else would've taken my place? who else would've taken my punishment? By not obeying Him I am disrespecting Him and everything he stands for, by disrespecting authority I am disrespecting divine order. I should honor Him in everything that I say or do. By not being on time to work or to church, I am not honoring Him, I am not respecting Him, even partial obedience is disobedience (1 Tim. 5:21)  I need to be more faithful to the service of my church, which means I must be more faithful to God. If one is faithful to God and honors Him in everything he/she does, God will take care ...

God's warnings.

    Genesis 4:7    Before the Bible ever came into existence, God actually spoke in audible voice. In the early days of Creation, God was in communication with the first family; Cain actually heard God's thunderous voice and even like that, he didn't took heed of God's warning.     Sometimes I think that's why God never manifested Himself in true form during earths early years; if us reading His word and we don't obey it, it will be the same thin if we hear His voice just like Cain did and he didn't  put attention to  God's warning.   Cain had envy on his brother and that is why he killed him I don't know about you, but this is how I  saw it when I was reading it this morning. God gives us warnings  before the consequences of our ill timed decisions.

God is in control, but He is no dictator.

  When doing my devotionals this morning, I read that God warned Adam first about the consequences of disobeying  Him by eating from the Tree of Knowledge and Life; God is Omnipresence (Omnipresent)  I don't which is the one where God sees the future.... God knew that Eve was going to eat from the fruit but he was counting on Adam to prevent it, the only reason He said that to him was to tell her; God does see the future, but he is not dictator.  He sees every available circumstances or options and He cant decide for us. Anyways;   Our decisions are the deciding factors.