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Showing posts from December, 2013

Daily Reading

1 st John 1:3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. My fellowship with God is sometimes shaky but only when I don't read my Bible, its shaky when I don't live like I'm suppose to live. My fellowship with my Lord should be strong and durable, it should be so strong that nothing or no one will take it away with, not even myself. When temptation rises and my flesh wants to be satisfied, my Spiritual will be already satisfied so no need for my flesh so be all excited. I need to feed my soul not every now and then, but daily. 1 st John 6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth If I say that I have fellowship with God and do the things that the world does, where is my Christianity? Where is my walk with the Lord? Having fellowship with God means not living the way that t...


6 Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment and wait on thy God continually. 9 O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thine help. In today’s' reading of the Bible (my utmost for His Highest reading plan) I found out that I am destroying myself not coming to God when I most need Him, I am destroying my convictions, the strengths that God has given me; I replaced them with strengths from the world. The world has no say in your life; remember we are not of this world, we are just passing by. Built up your convictions and renew your strengths from within, let the Holy Spirit work thru you, let Him strength you with all His power. Adopt the strength of your Lords' as your own. I need to turn to God when I am destroying myself by sinning and by not giving though that God is right next to me; that is what sin and temptation do, they blindside you, they block you from God's presence. Be judgmental on unmoral values that might appear as ...

God's Mercy

Last Sunday I learned from my Pastor during one of his sermons that the mercy of God is putting value on one who is miserable; we were all miserable before God came into our lives. Who are we that God will put value on us? We are sinners, lowest than dirt lowest than worms; they all have a purpose. God loves us, he showed us love and mercy while we were yet sinners. Misericordia es amor a la miseria.


You are my strength, You are my motivation, You are that gets me going, Without you, I am weak I am hopeless Without you, there is no reason for my existence. Without you, my whole world comes crumbling down like big block of leggos. Without you, I'll be sitting duck for demons. Without you, I am but dirt. You are my air that I breath, You are the Person that puts more value to my life. Life without you is like a race without cars, Like a race without spectators; Just pointless and empty. Forgive me for not coming to you when my going was getting tough, Forgive me for not wanting to nourish my soul, Forgive me for avoiding you since my last fall. I need you, I want you to change me to what I used to be when I was just a baby in the faith.


Life may have its ups and downs! But God says otherwise. A Christian's character lies not within our own strengths, but from endurance from everyday life. Christians shouldn't bother about living the high life, but a humble one ( not too humble though) If by any chance you fall by your own actions, be wise to not stay grounded, because that's what the devil wants.