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Showing posts from March, 2016

our problem as whole

We are the cause of our troubles, we are the cause of everything that is wrong with Christianity, we don't represent Christ, we represent our own ideas what it means to be Christian. We have let the future of our kids slipped out of our hands ever since an atheist made it possible to ban prayer from school and from that point head, everything went deteriorating slowly and here we are where the secular world hijacked marriage and turned the word "love" into something meaningless. God has never changed, what He said that day in Eden still remains true -"It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Many people through out the ages only focused on the bad things about marriage, they focused on the negative part and they still do. They took off their eyes off from God, off from the Word of God and laid them on man, they let man's idea shape their way of thinking. We deserve the people that we have in leadership because w...

Your problem is....

You shout out to God saying, "Why can't I do everything right!", "Why must this happen to me!" "I don't deserve this!" We let the pessimism of this world rub unto us when we let the circumstances of life dictate every decision we make. The problem with us is that we classify what is sin and we don't go to God's definition, we don't want to because it'll show us how wrong we are. We shy away from what God says about sin because we grew accustomed to the ways of the world; we don't want to face God just like the Israel did when Moses went up to the moutain (And they said to Moses, "You speak to us, and we will listen. But don't let God speak directly to us, or we will die!") We love life too much and not the Creator, not our Redeemer, not our Savior. The problem, my problem is that I pass less time with God, that I don't read the Bible like I used to. My problem is that I trust more my job than I do to my Sav...

Psalms 14:1 Playing the Fool

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. One is a fool when one says no to God, One is a fool trust in his own strengths and not God's , One is a fool when one doesn't have the Word of God in High Esteem  One is a fool when one doesn't appreciate what Jesus did upon that cruel cross.  One is a fool to think that this life is it One is a fool  when one hides from God knowing  very well that He sees and knows all. Don't be a fool and acknowledge God.  Don't be a fool and believe that God can.    

Anathema... a different approach.

a·nath·e·ma əˈnaTHəmə/ noun noun: anathema ; plural noun: anathemas 1 . something or someone that one vehemently dislikes. "racial hatred was anathema to her" an abomination, an outrage, an abhorrence, a disgrace, an evil, a bane, a bugbear, a bête noire; adjectives abhorrent , hateful , repugnant , odious , repellent , offensive "the idea of a poem as a mere exercise is anathema to me"  1 John 5:19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. The world is under the influence of the  fallen angel turned demon because he wanted to be in God's throne; even since his fall from grace he has been the prince of this cruel and evil world as this verse testifies to it: John 12:31 Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. Meanwhile, we need to be vigilant and not participate in any of its activities  for its an offense to God for a Christian t...

Circumstances Vs God

There will be occasions where circumstances won't permit me to serve God, but He sees that and frowns upon me. I should know better than letting circumstances dictate what I must do, but today is different (my brother expects me to be home to let him in because he left the keys for me under the mat) Today starts the fourth service at my church (prayer service) and Im going to miss just because I misplaced my house keys. Dice Dios, no dejes que suceda otra vez. In my previous blog I mentioned something about getting serious with God and people from church will see it and they'll notice my absence (as if) and they'll have the mentality that I was not serious about what I wrote. This year start like a car that doesnt want to start and after a few tries it turns on and off it goes; that's how my life in 2016 started; to slow start. God has taught me so many times, that when it comes to circumstances of life, I should just ignore it and that I should cling unto Him in...

Approaching the girl of your dreams.

Approach the girl you like by serving God, approach her by being obedient, approach her by being loyal to God, approach her by loving for what she represents: loyalty, love. approach her slightly so to not set off love early. approach her by aligning your self with God's will. One way to show that you are serious for her heart and for her love is to get serious with God, One way to show that you really loving her is by being loyal to God because He is the one that has her love, that has her heart. Every time you see her smile and laugh remember that love is nothing to toy with, Every time you see her work, remember that she does it out of love for God, her guardian, her friend, her Savior, Her Comforter. She embodies what it means to serve God, She embodies what it means to love God, She embodies what it means to be favored by God.