The world is full of injustice and of sin, they are equal in size and in strength; but that doesn't mean that there is no hope. Life in this world was wonderfully created but Lucifer didn't what it that way, he had to butt in on Adam and Eve, he was jealous of their connection to God; that same connection he had before he decided to sit on God's throne, to be like him. Just like bacteria exist in our body, sin was always present, it means missing the mark and Lucifer purposely missed it by trying to be just like God. So , when trouble comes your way, don't ask why; ask what can I learn? We all are sinners because of Adam did on that not so joyful day, when he decided to be persuaded by Eve in taking a bite out of that forbidden fruit. The injustice will always happen, it means to doubt God's grace and mercy, it means to take God out of our daily life, it means for us to be indifferent towards God's goal, which is to share the Gospel of Christ. ...
Hi! Welcome to my blog where i write about my experiences, my success and a bit of of me failures. Without failure there is no success. Hope you enjoy what i write; mostly i write whats troubling me, joys of my life and a bit of studies that i've made thru the years. Hope you enjoy your stay. God bless and good day. :)