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Showing posts from September, 2012


When we waist time that is of the Lord, we are being disrespectful and selfish. Everything that exist is because of Him and thru Him. We live to bring honor and glory to His Great Name. God is the supplier of our everyday needs, from Him we get our strength and vigor. God must be the number 1 person in your life, before family, work and friends. I have not read the Bible for a whole week and I am feelings the consequences, which are physical and mental. When we are right with God, He sets everything straight; everything that we do will prosper. The clue here is being right with God, to being in His Will and obeying it.

This 25 years

Life is going fast for me; its good to have God by your side when the horizon looks bleak. Soon I will turn 25 and I'm thinking, where did those 25 years went? They just went away without me knowing. I'm remembering my first years in High School and the first years with Gethsemane Baptist Church and I'm longing for them; to live them all over again and redo my life. I don't have regrets, but its worth remembering. The first years of anything is where one enjoys, its where  the routine doesn't exist and time slows. I remember the first time i met people who really caught my attention and especially those people that I made friends with. I remember my first real friend, I remember my first relationship, which sadly changed how i approach girls. Its a good feeling knowing that our past will no longer bother us and its a good feeling we can hold onto precious memories and discard those that made a dent in our lives. Life exist to live it and to enjoy it, life is ...